Color Schemes


Gridbuilder ᵂᴾ works with color schemes for cards and facets.

Color schemes allows to control main colors in one place for all your cards and facets. It is a great way to easily manage colors globally.

You can set color schemes in the Settings panel of the plugin.

Global color schemes panel
Plugin Settings – Color schemes

Card BuilderCard Builder

In the card builder, you will be able for each block to setup font color from one of the color scheme set in Settings of the plugin.

The font color scheme will be overriden if you set a custom color thanks to the color picker.

By default, the top & bottom content holders of a card use a dark scheme. And the overlay content holders use a light scheme. These schemes can be changed in your grid settings under Card Style tab. It allows to use the same card in different grids with different color schemes.

Color schemes principle in card
Card Builder – Color schemes
Color schemes in grid settings
Grid Settings – Color schemes

Color schemes in cards are optionals and it is just a feature for convenience. You are free to ignore this system and set your own colors as you want.


Accent color is used in Facets in order to apply colors to selected checkbox, radio, button, range, load more and pagination facets.