Release date: December 17, 2024
- addedSupport for Kadence Post and Query Loop blocks.
- fixedMissing data source in facet settings for term and user fields.
- fixedIssue with the card editor sidebar with the latest version of Gutenberg.
Release date: November 21, 2024
- fixedPHP warning with WordPress 6.7.1.
Release date: November 19, 2024
- addedPHP filter to disable the CSS filesystem.
- improvedPrevent conflicts with custom queries in the admin plugin dashboard.
- fixedIssue with default options in the plugin settings panel.
Release date: October 15, 2024
- addedClass names to the markup of previous and next pagination buttons.
- addedSupport for WordPress 6.7 in the block editor.
- fixedIssue where column and row gap labels were inverted in blocks.
- fixedMissing translation support for the Paragraph and Button blocks.
- fixedIssue with block pseudo selectors (:hover,:focus,:active).
Release date: October 1, 2024
- addedSupport for Map facet marker conditions and data.
- improvedSorting of admin search results (posts) by relevance.
- fixedMissing translation for “Toggle List” aria label.
- fixedIssue with the min/max values for range and number facets.
- fixedIssue with the facet Term Depth option in custom taxonomies.
- fixedIssue where column and row gap labels were inverted in blocks.
Release date: August 26, 2024
- addedNative support for filtering the Query Loop block with facets.
- fixedOverflow issue with the facet input icon and stroke width.
- fixedIssue where dynamic tags were stripped from certain HTML attributes.
- fixedIssue with custom field array values in conditions and dynamic tags.
- fixedTranslation issue with typography “900 – Black” font weight.
- fixedIssue with the user order by parameter for grids.
- fixedIssue with negative spread values for CSS box shadows.
- fixedIssue with blank target on card block holders.
Release date: July 8, 2024
- addedCompatibility with WordPress 6.6.
- fixedRemove text indent when the input icon is hidden.
- fixedIssue with carousel buttons not being properly auto-added in the layout.
Release date: July 1, 2024
- improvedHandling of appending results in grids and templates.
- fixedIncorrect lifetime license plan displayed in plugin dashboard.
- fixedIssue with the default media overlay block in the card editor.
- fixedIssue with Rest API facet endpoint and logged-in users.
- fixedMissing default order (descending) for Sort facet.
Release date: June 14, 2024
- addedBeta option to change facet endpoint request (custom or Rest API).
- improvedAutomatically expand advanced settings when filled.
- fixedIssue with grid aspect ratio in case of missing value.
- fixedIssue with card color scheme on empty blocks.
- fixedIssue with card terms block and custom field order.
Release date: May 31, 2024
- addedSearch Fields option for search facet (post/user content type).
- improvedOverride default grid order if Search Relevancy facet is enabled.
- fixedIssue with an infinite loop if the card’s post content contains a grid.
- fixedIssue when searching draft posts in grid settings.
- fixedIssue with missing template value in block.
- fixedError when formatting numbers for post/term/user counts in cards.
Release date: May 24, 2024
- improvedCustom block attribute argument added to render_callback.
- improvedAutomatically merges query strings and hash to Apply redirect URL.
- improvedAdd facet slug if missing in settings.
- fixedWrong aspect ratio issue with Metro layout.
- fixedWrong link target in card (interaction).
- fixedWrong stylesheet directory on multisite.
- fixedIncorrect nested tax query clauses.
- fixedIncorrect domain name in some strings.
- fixedData localized twice in the WordPress editor.
- fixedIssue with wrong custom field name in sort facet.
Release date: May 16, 2024
- improvedSticky admin table header.
- fixedIncorrect URL scheme for CSS stylesheets.
- fixedBroken layout with horizontal card.
Release date: May 13, 2024
- addedRevamp of the admin interface with React.
- addedRevamp dashboard to manage licence, indexer, content and add-ons.
- addedRevamp card editor based on Gutenberg (as standalone).
- addedStyles to customize the appearance of facets.
- addedConditions to render blocks in a card.
- addedDynamic Tags to render data in a card.
- addedColumns, Group, Row, Stack, Paragraph & Button blocks.
- addedNew controls to Post Terms block.
- addedSupport for custom CSS properties for cards.
- addedSupport for CSS variables throughout the plugin.
- addedChild Of support for facet taxonomy source.
- addedTerm Depth support for facet taxonomy source.
- addedInclude/Exclude controls for custom fields as data source.
- addedShow Current Terms to display current archive terms in facets.
- addedConditional Actions for facet (hide/reveal & disable/enable).
- addedConditional Cards for grids (attach cards conditionally).
- addedSupport for Multiple order values in grids.
- addedSupport to include and exclude terms in grid.
- addedSupport for GDPR friendly Bunny Fonts.
- addedGrid, Card, Facet & Style demos to the importer (Browse Demos).
- addedNew setting to apply a facet style globally.
- addedNew facet block control to apply a style locally.
- addedNew settings API to easily add controls to the plugin.
- addedPHP filter to register custom SVGs for the card editor.
- addedIcons in several setting controls (grid, card and facet).
- addedRequires at least & Requires PHP header Requirements.
- addedCSS minifier for cards and styles.
- addedUse of CSS variables for facets, cards and lightbox in the plugin stylesheet.
- improvedAutomatically adds carousel buttons and page dots in grid layout.
- improvedRendering facet blocks in the WordPress editor.
- improvedSupport for indexing with HTTP authentication.
- improvedFacets can be indexed from the facet overview table.
- improvedFacet source now combines all data sources in a single field.
- improvedPreserve imported identifiers wherever possible.
- improvedReduce the size of frontend JS scripts by around 20%.
- updatedGoogle Fonts library.
- updatedFrench translations.
- changedListing, label, and counter are now styled independently for each facet.
- changedRemove shortcode menu button for styles in admin table.
- changedFull-width layout for admin tables and control panels.
- changedPHP 8.0 is recommended and compatible up to version 7.x.
- changedWordPress 6.0 or higher is required.
- fixedCSS conflict between facet toggle and range slider.
- fixedCard editor layout issues with WP 6.0.
- fixedIncorrect aria-label in plugin menu.
- fixedTypo error in aria-label of pagination facet.
- fixedPHP 8.3 deprecation notices.
- fixedIncorrect redirection from WordPress navigation menu.
- fixedMinor responsive CSS issue in the admin interface.
- fixedIssue with the layout of group block in the card editor.
- fixedIssue with certain style settings not correctly saved.
- fixedDuplicate CSS color declarations in dynamic stylesheets.
- fixedOverflow issue with facet style preview iframe.
- fixedVertical layout issue with the buttons facet when the list is expanded.
- fixedPrevents inserting empty metadata tags in cards.
Release date: April 2, 2024
- addedCompatibility with WordPress 6.5.
- addedBackward compatibility with V2.
- fixedPHP warning when activating WP Grid Builder V2 beta.
Release date: February 7, 2024
- fixedIssue with user role block in cards.
- fixedIssue with term slug block in cards.
Release date: December 6, 2023
- updatedTwitter/X social icon.
- fixedError with template and is_main_query argument outside archive pages.
- fixedIssue with output buffering when filtering custom queries.
Release date: November 2, 2023
- addedCompatibility with WordPress 6.4.
- addedSupport for Youtube Short videos.
- updatedJavaScript libraries and facets assets.
- fixedIssue with product variation prices.
Release date: September 1, 2023
- fixedArbitrary PHP function call with templates (Security Fix).
- fixedGrid settings issue with nested custom fields.
- changedRemoval of fallback for the old way of declaring templates (deprecated since v1.4.0).
Release date: August 22, 2023
- changedAjax endpoint Url from relative to absolute.
- fixedIssue with select control in WordPress editor.
Release date: June 29, 2023
- fixedOverflow issue with grid carousel layout.
- fixedIssue when focusing interactive elements in a carousel.
Release date: May 25, 2023
- improvedSupport for value “0” in facets for ACF checkbox, radio and select field.
- improvedRender of “0” numeric value in card custom field block.
- improvedFilesystem to generate assets (grid and facet stylesheets).
- improvedLicense activation/deactivation status code.
Release date: April 5, 2023
- improvedFacet color options support choice name as choice value
- fixedIssue with card builder and latest version of Google Chrome.
- fixedJavaScript warnings in the admin interface.
Release date: March 20, 2023
- improvedACF shortcodes rendering in cards during filtering.
- changedIndexer hook priorities to ensure correct indexing.
- fixedIssue with webp format and background image in cards.
Release date: February 12, 2023
- fixedIssue with the installation and updates of add-ons.
Release date: February 6, 2023
- addedCompatibility with PHP 8.2.
- fixedIssue with facet toggle button with several instances of the same grid.
- fixed[hidden] CSS fallback rule to avoid conflicts with third-party plugins.
- fixedMissing CRON indexing fallback in some contexts.
Release date: December 21, 2022
- improvedStrips style/script content from the excerpt when fully displayed.
- fixedIssue with Google Fonts and regular/400 weight in the card builder.
- fixedIssue with text position in Dropdown facet in Firefox.
Release date: October 12, 2022
- addedNumber facet to filter by min and/or max values.
- addedGutenberg classname attribute support in template block.
- fixedConflict with pagename argument in main index query.
- fixedRendering issue of card block with empty custom fields.
- fixedJavaScript race condition issue when refreshing facets.
- fixedNotification message when paging and loading more content.
- fixedIssue with WooCommerce and custom order with grids.
- fixedIssue with indexer’s progression calculation.
Release date: September 5, 2022
- addedSupport for query string in Apply facet redirect URL.
- addedTotal number of results found in the facet refesh response.
- improvedNotification message (aria) when results are updated.
- fixedIssue with the main query in author archive pages.
Release date: August 1, 2022
- addedSupport for Facet, Grid and Template blocks in FSE editor.
- addedArchive Template option for Grid block in FSE editor.
- addedPossibility to create option prefixed by “wpgb-content” in Facet block.
- improvedDetection of Query Loop block using the filter custom queries method.
- fixedIssue rendering select block control in the FSE editor.
Release date: June 9, 2022
- improvedDetection of custom Ajax endpoints.
- fixedIssue with prefiltered grids and Apply facet.
- fixedPHP 8.1 deprecation notices.
Release date: May 2, 2022
- updatedFlatpickr library used for date picker facet.
- changedRelevanssi search limit in WordPress search template.
- fixedIssue with reset facet and dynamic query string on render.
- fixedIssue with range slider rounding values with large numbers.
- fixedIssue with facet term order and WooCommerce custom taxonomy.
- fixedIssue with lightbox button and Elementor page transitions.
- fixedIssue with default date in facet date picker on open.
Release date: March 22, 2022
- addedSupport for the translation of custom url in the card builder.
- updatedFlatpickr library used for date picker facet
- fixedIssue with Relevanssi highlighting and nested queries from grid shortcodes.
- fixedIssue with range values not properly formatted in selection facet.
- fixedIssue with HTML entities in autocomplete results.
- fixedIssue with date picker JS script and IE11.
Release date: February 11, 2022
- updatedPHP filter wp_grid_builder/indexer/term_query_args to better translate facets.
- fixedIssue with term query arguments when indexing taxonomy facets.
- fixedIssue with the indexing progression in the facet settings.
- fixedIssue with duplicates in the WooCommerce sale price card block.
- fixedIssue with WooCommerce prices without tax in facets.
- fixedIssue with shortcode editor button not available in some contexts.
- fixedDisplay issue with select field (multiple) in the card builder.
Release date: January 14, 2022
- updatedJavaScript libraries and facets assets.
- fixedPrevent throwing exceptions with history state when origin is not the same.
- fixedIssue with Relevanssi and custom search result snippets.
Release date: December 6, 2021
- fixedConflict with the terms highlighted by Relevanssi in the cards.
- fixedConflict with SearchWP and custom WP_Query.
- fixedRestore default post status of grids.
Release date: November 24, 2021
- fixedIssue with carousel buttons not being correctly sized if too small.
- fixedCarousel dragging issue with Safari on IOS 15.
- fixedMissing term order option for the sort facet.
- fixedWrong slug for Meta Box add-on.
Release date: October 5, 2021
- addedSupport for upper source with Range Slider and Date Picker facets.
- addedSupport for compare type with Range Slider and Date Picker facets.
- fixedPHP notices from WordPress 5.8 when rendering grids/facets in Gutenberg.
- fixedIssue with WP All Import and WooCommerce products when indexing.
- fixedPrevent items from being added to the cart when filtering.
- fixedIssue with search template and WooCommerce ordering.
Release date: July 27, 2021
- addedSupport for WooCommerce taxonomy term order for facet choices.
- changedSupport for inline CSS styles for preview and fallback mode.
- fixedIssue with ACF time picker field format used in facet choices.
- fixedIssue with First Media Content option and mp3 format.
Release date: May 24, 2021
- improvedSupport for Relevanssi search based on users.
- fixedIssue with query orderby clause on WooCommerce archive pages.
- fixedIssue with onchange event and range slider facet.
- fixedIssue with user email block converting email address to url.
Release date: April 28, 2021
- improvedDefault date in facet date picker on open (selected/current/max date).
- improvedActive/full price blocks display the price suffix set in WooCommerce.
- fixedIssue with media player and flexible card media with Masonry layout.
- fixedIssue with SearchWP and the media library in grid view when searching.
- fixedIssue with output buffering when filtering custom queries or archive results.
- fixedIssue with Selection facet not taking into accord all selected choices.
- fixedIssue with hierarchical facets and included/excluded taxonomy terms.
- fixedIssue with Relevanssi when filtering custom queries.
- fixedIssue with WooCommerce order on archive pages.
- fixedIssue with excluded facets from Apply facet.
- fixedConflict with Elementor lightbox script.
Release date: March 15, 2021
- fixedConflict with search query when no post type is defined.
- fixedIssue with choice count always displayed with autocomplete and asynchrounous combobox.
- fixedIssue with Geolocation and Map facets showing selected values in selection facet.
Release date: March 10, 2021
- addedOxygen add-on in add-ons list (plugin dashboard).
- fixedIssue with WooCommerce price order and the sort facet.
- fixedIssue with the main query on index blog page.
Release date: March 1, 2021
- improvedAllow to cache empty facets when not filtered.
- improvedBehaviour of facet choices in disabled state.
- improvedJSON detection in response when filtering custom content.
- improvedWhatsApp social sharing button now contains the post link.
- fixedIssue with SearchWP and facet choices in search template.
- fixedIssue with Google Map marker icons not clickable in some cases.
- fixedIssue with Query Monitor plugin when filtering custom queries.
- fixedRegression where facet IDs were incorrectly typed.
Release date: February 9, 2021
- improvedError handling (JSON response) when filtering custom or archive content.
- improvedAutomatically expand children in checkbox treeview from query string.
- improvedPreload dynamic assets (CSS/JS) of facets when necessary.
- fixedConflict with color picker input and AMP for WP plugin.
- fixedNon-composited animations of the range facet skeleton loader.
- fixedIssue with Range Slider facet when min/max values are equal.
- fixedIssue with WooCommerce variable prices and Range Slider facet.
- fixedIssue with querySelector and HTML attribute value from buttons.
- fixedIssue with WP filesystem when using non direct method.
- fixedIssue with Selection facet and integers used as facet value.
Release date: January 11, 2021
- addedScroll to top option (with offset) for pagination facet.
- improvedKeywords highlight when using SearchWP as facet search engine.
- improvedDisplay a JS error when facets are placed inside custom content.
- updatedFlatpickr library used for date picker facet.
- fixedIssue when sorting WooCommerce products by average rating.
- fixedIssue with plugin/add-ons and WordPress auto-update feature.
- fixedIssue with Per Page facet allowing to pass excessive values.
- fixedIssue with Date Facet when single date selection is cleared on close.
- fixedIssue with Date Facet when selected dates are outside min/max date range.
Release date: December 15, 2020
- addedOption to easily filter archive pages and custom queries with facets having as grid name “wpgb-content”.
- improvedHTML caching of facets when they are present on different archive templates.
- fixedIssue with asynchronous combobox when passing lang parameter from Polylang or WPML.
- fixedIssue when importing .json file generated by the plugin (text/plain mime type issue).
- fixedIssue with French translation and the number of activated licenses (plugin dashboard).
- fixedConflict with CSSTidy library and PHP constants.
Release date: November 23, 2020
- addedColor Picker facet to visually filter by colors/images.
- addedA-Z Index facet to filter by starting letter or number.
- addedRest API routes (for developers) to fetch and search facet choices.
- addedCompatibility with PHP 8.0.0 and WordPress 5.6.
- fixedIssue with instant Search facet and trailing whitespaces.
- fixedIssue when grid images have missing width and/or height.
- fixedIssue with default combobox label not correctly translated.
- fixedIssue when rounding image aspect ratio in grids.
- fixedIssue with range slider and right-to-left layout.
- fixedIssue with several selection facets with different slugs.
- fixedIssue with rating facet and PHP 5.6.
Release date: October 19, 2020
- fixedIssue when installing add-ons from plugin dashboard.
- fixedWrong French translation when installing add-ons.
Release date: October 19, 2020
- improvedAdded taxonomy key for duplicated names in taxonomies list (props Marie Comet).
- improvedRange slider behaviour when hidden from view (tab, toggle, accordion, etc.).
- improvedQuery optimization when rendering facets and searching for facet choices (asynchronous facets).
- addedwpgb-dots-page class for pagination facet.
- changedHTML markup of range slider thumbs (thumbs are now wrapped).
- changedCSS rules of several facets (checkbox, radio, dropdown, buttons, inputs, range).
- changedHook priority to enqueue grid and facets assets on the frontend.
- updatedGoogle Fonts available in the card builder.
- fixedCSS transition issue when updating facet content.
- fixedz-index issue with Dropdown and Autocomplete facets.
- fixedMissing aria-hidden attribute on rating stars SVG icon.
- fixedIssue with multiple select field control in the card builder.
- fixedIssue with grid JS instance and unique identifier (on destroy).
- fixedIssue with fixed height set on card with Masonry layout when hidden from view.
- fixedIssue with 0 numeric value in card custom field.
- fixedRace conditions with instant Search facet and asynchronous requests.
Release date: September 11, 2020
- fixedIssue with reset facet demo content.
- fixedIssue with included facets to reset.
- fixedIssue with main query and offset parameter.
Release date: August 31, 2020
- addedShadow grid principle to render facets without grids or templates in a page.
- addedApply facet action to filter a grid on click or to redirect to a filtered page.
- addedShortcode, widget and Gutenberg block to render templates from an ID.
- addedPHP filter wp_grid_builder/templates to register templates from an ID.
- addedPHP filter wp_grid_builder/facet/title_tag to globally change facet title tag name.
- improvedPerformance for asynchronous requests of dropdown (async) and autocomplete facets.
- improvedDisabled state for reset facet button and range slider clear button.
- improvedAutomatically expand children in treeview of selected items.
- improvedAutomatically uncheck parent when a child is selected in hierarchical checkboxes.
- improvedRemove non existing facet choices (query string) from selection facet.
- improvedIndexing of post metadata keys when a post is not directly updated.
- updatedFlatpickr library used for date picker facet.
- fixedMissing aria labels (min and max values) in thumbs of the range slider facet.
- fixedMissing style of autocomplete and treeview navigation in facet stylesheet (if no grid in page).
- fixedIssue with Child Terms option not correctly including children (grid settings).
- fixedIssue when several templates (JavaScript instances) are present in a page.
- fixedIssue with responsive fonts in cards with several occurrences of the same grid in a page.
- fixedIssue with indexer when “Adjust IDs for multilingual functionality” option is enabled in WPML.
- fixedIssue when programmatically focusing on load more button (JS preventScroll).
- fixedConflict with Elementor lightbox when a lightbox is set in WP Grid Builder settings.
Release date: July 15, 2020
- improvedLazy load support for gravatar in cards.
- improvedIntegration with Jetpack lazy load module.
- improvedIntegration with WP Rocket lazy load feature.
- fixedIssue with WP_Query and Relevanssi PHP filter fallback.
- fixedIssue with Safari browser and the card builder.
- fixedIssue with CSS non valid background shorthands.
- fixedIssue with CSS minification and properties in upper case.
- fixedIssue with badly-formed markup of search facet button.
- fixedIssue with localization of color picker strings (WP 5.5).
Release date: June 16, 2020
- addedNew autocomplete facet to show suggestions asynchronously while typing.
- addedClear X button for search facet to easily clear field.
- addedAccessible navigation treeview for checkboxes facet.
- addedAutomatically expand lists on refresh if there are selected choices.
- addedKeep facet (checkboxes, radio, buttons) toggle state while filtering.
- addedIndeterminate (partially checked) state for hierarchical checkboxes.
- updatedCSSTidy PHP library to compress and minify stylesheets.
- fixedDeprecated PHP warnings with PHP 7.4.x.
- fixedAjax issue with Relevanssi when using facets with search template.
- fixedIssue when prefiltering (PHP) with several grids/templates in a page.
- fixedIssue when getting facet by slug with wpgb.facets.getFacet() JS method.
- fixedJavaScript warning when deleting or cloning a block in the card builder.
- fixedIssue with single date facet appearance on mobile devices.
- fixedMissing french translation for clear button label of combobox.
Release date: May 14, 2020
- addedNew orderby option in grid settings to order by term taxonomy count.
- improvedAdded version number in query string of SVG sprite (admin).
- changedWrong french translation in rating facet (& up => & plus).
- changedDragger JS helper logic (carousel) to detect dragging from angle and vector thresholds.
- fixedIssue with WooCommerce grouped product prices.
- fixedMissing taxonomy term settings (term colors) on certain taxonomy (e.g.: WooCommerce attributes).
- fixedCSS issue in card builder with equal absolute positions (top, right, bottom, left) in Firefox.
- fixedIssue with do_shortcode in Raw Content block of the card builder.
- fixedIssue with wp_grid_builder/grid/query_args filter arguments for term and user queries.
- fixedIssue with home SVG icons set not rendered on frontend (missing id attribute in SVG tag).
- fixedPrevent to pre-filter main query in admin if no grids/templates are specified (wp_grid_builder/facet/query_string).
- fixedPrevent password fields in admin settings to be autofilled by browser (Chrome).
- fixedMinor markup issue in admin setting panels of the plugin.
- fixedCSS animation issue on Ball Spin Fade loader type.
Release date: April 14, 2020
- addedFrench translation of backend and frontend.
- changedMinor changes to admin settings panels.
- changedMinor changes to admin labels and descriptions.
- updatedFlatpickr library used for date picker facet.
- fixedPrevent issue with multiple inlined custom JS codes.
- fixedIssue with WPML Media plugin and attachment queries.
- fixedIssue with Visual Composer column shortcodes in excerpt.
Release date: March 25, 2020
- improvedSplit styles and scripts to only load necessary assets on the frontend.
- improvedFacets scripts (date, range, select) are now loaded asynchronously on the frontend.
- improvedRender facets endpoint (onload) only queries content and fetches facet arguments.
- improvedDate and Range facet options are now handled asynchronously instead of being localized.
- improvedRange facet displays a skeleton placeholder while loading before initialization.
- improvedUse of font-variant-numeric for fluid content change in range facet.
- improvedCustom blocks are only rendered if they hold content.
- addedOption to load/unload polyfills to support Internet Explorer 11 and older browsers.
- addedSupport filtering and sorting by WooCommerce featured products (available in facet custom fields).
- updatedSVG calendar icon of the date facet input.
- fixedIssue with Gutenberg Fullscreen mode in WordPress 5.4 when resizing a grid.
- fixedIssue with Gutenberg align class name when editing a grid rendered on load in the editor.
- fixedIssue with read more link in card post content and excerpt.
- fixedIssue with Gutenberg and Google Fonts loaded from cards.
- fixedIssue with formatting input numbers in plugin settings.
- fixedIssue with select, date, range and search facets JS instantiation when conditionally hidden (with PHP filter).
- fixedIssue with “wp-” prefix in plugin assets folder name (to prevent issue on some servers).
Release date: February 10, 2020
- improvedAccessibility with carousel keyboard navigation.
- improvedExclude language taxonomy from taxonomy terms block of the card builder.
- addedSupport for strings translation with Polylang and WPML thanks to Multilingual add-on.
- addedSupport for [number] shortcode in toggle button label to display the number of hidden items (checkbox, radio, button, and hierarchy).
- addedSupport for [number] shortcode in load more button to display number of remaining items.
- fixedCSS issue with Gutenberg blocks and select/button components.
- fixedIssue with do_shortcode in card post content.
- fixedIssue with query string in asynchronous endpoint.
- fixedIssue with included terms in facets.
- fixedIssue with carousel keyboard navigation.
- fixedIssue when indexing taxonomy terms with WPML.
Release date: January 20, 2020
- improvedDynamic stylesheets principle to decrease numbers of generated files.
- improvedSupport date and number formats for ACF repeater fields and array values in card builder.
- improvedPrevent to scroll to carousel viewport when buttons or pagination dots are focused.
- fixedMissing dependency from main plugin stylesheet in wp_enqueue_style() used by wpgb_render_template().
- fixedIssue with non numeric attachment ID when changing object attachment with wp_grid_builder/grid/the_object PHP filter.
- fixedIssue with missing CSS transitions in card builder from preview mode.
- fixedIssue with default accent color in facets if unset.
- fixedIssue with search facet and post status.
Release date: January 8, 2019
- improvedRender blocks and shortcodes in card post content
- improvedPreserve scrollRestoration on first load to scroll to anchor.
- improvedPreserve hash location in query string when filtering with histroy.
- addedDraggable option to enable/disable dragging and flicking feature on carousel.
- fixedIssue when indexing taxonomy terms from attachment post type.
- fixedIssue with encoding facet values and special characters.
- fixedIssue with attachment post type and custom post formats from plguin settings.
- fixedIssue when assigning card to custom post formats.
- fixedAdded fallback to default post ID in grid settings if missing ID from pll_get_post() function.
- fixedMissing datetime attribute in time HTML tag.
- fixedWidth issue with select combobox search holder.
- fixedCorrected unvalid CSS property values (W3C non-compliant).
- fixedCSS transition flicker issue while loading cards stylesheet.
Release date: December 2, 2019
- fixedUnset default touch action on range slider to prevent dragging issue on touch devices.
- fixedMissing carousel dots and navigation buttons (prev/next) in Grid Composer.
- fixedMissing icons for 3rd party add-ons in dashboard importer of the plugin.
- fixedCSS conflicts with facet unordered/ordered list style.
Release date: November 18, 2019
- improvedWP Media modal keep selected media when adding new ones (does not require to hold ctrl/cmd key).
- addedNew set of SVG icons (home/buildings) for the card builder.
- addedNew hook ‘wp_grid_builder/facet/orderby’ to change facet query ORDER BY clause.
- fixedRare query issue with term taxonomy ids used in meta_query.
- fixedPHP warnings when missing custom fields in facet settings and card builder.
- fixedJS issue when destroying range slider instance if facet is empty.
- fixedCSS conflict with admin notices if post options if enabled.
Release date: November 4, 2019
- improvedPlugin license and updater refactor to easily register add-ons.
- improvedPreserve search relevance if no order is set.
- improved‘noresults_callback’ of wpgb_render_template() set to false prevents showing no results message.
- addedNew admin submenu to download and activate add-ons.
- addedSupport for the defer and async script attributes.
- addedOption to reveal WooCommerce first gallery image when hovering thumbnail.
- addedSupport to sort by ACF meta key (repeaters are not supported).
- updatedFlatpickr.js library to v4.6.3.
- fixedFacets not rendered in preview mode if grid not saved.
Release date: September 12, 2019
- improvedAllow multiple facets selection in settings to reset facet(s).
- improvedAutomatically translate custom field date format in cards.
- addedGutenberg block preview examples in block inserter.
- fixedPHP warning if missing user data when indexing.
- fixedPHP error when saving custom field attachment.
- fixedPHP issue with post permalink date structures.
Release date: September 1, 2019
- improvedSettings API to allow plugins/add-ons to extend settings.
- improvedIncrease limit for card spacings up to 999 in grid settings.
- improvedAllow multiple names (whitespace separated) in class attribute of wpgb_render_template() argument.
- changedPHP filter name for hierarchy facet.
- fixedMissing default Google Fonts weight (variant 400).
- fixedFacet not been centered when placed alone in grid composer area.
- fixedIssue with include parameter of WP_Term_Query set to [ 0 ] (WP Core bug).
- fixedJS conflict with card preview iframe in overview page.
- fixedJS conflict with WordPress iris script from color picker.
- fixedJS issue with Internet Explorer 11.
- fixedCSS issue with post per page select facet.
- fixedPHP issue when splitting string by whitespaces for CSS classes.
- fixedPHP typo with orderby field name for term and user sources.
Release date: June 17, 2019
- addedwp_grid_builder/card/id PHP hook to change the card ID used for a post.
- addedPossibility to include or exclude term(s) for queried posts (grid settings).
- addedPossibility to set is_main_query in shortcode attribute.
- addedNotice message in card builder for blocks that natively have an action (media button, social share, etc.).
- fixedJS issue with load more on scroll on facet refresh.
- fixedCard media thumbnail action which happens on click.
- fixedCard layer link issue when there isn’t any overlay/content.
- fixedRendering raw content in card overview panel.
- fixedWrong default SVG play icon in cards.
Release date: May 30, 2019
- improvedGrid layout performance by changing CSS stacking context.
- addedPlugin update from subsites for multisite.
- fixedForce refreshing plugin info to view latest plugin details on plugins page.
- fixedJS load more issue on scroll with carousel.
- fixedCSS flickers on grid items with Safari.
- fixedSelect dropdown position after refreshing facets.
- fixedJS error when highlighting select item in dropdown list on facet refresh.
- fixedPHP warning when deleting taxonomy terms if missing facets.
Release date: May 23, 2019
- improvedCheck ACF link field url key for custom field action link (card builder).
- changedWarning notice for asynchronous hierarchical list for select facet.
- fixedPrevent hierarchical list for asynchronous select facet. (Props Marie Comet)
- fixedMissing jQuery dependancy (in some cases) in preview mode and in cards overview iframes.
- fixedAutoplay issue with embedded iframes in grid.
- fixedIssue with upload media button and WP Media iframe.
- fixedIssue with post type attachment and videos not correctly fetched.
Release date: May 14, 2019
- released Public Release
- added Plugin API to handle automatic updates
- addedDocumentation for users & developers