What are styles?

What are styles?What are styles?

Styles were introduced in WP Grid Builder V2, allowing you to apply styles to facets on your site. Styles consist of a generated CSS stylesheet that you can fully define from the WP Grid Builder interface. This stylesheet overrides the native facet styles offered by the plugin.

Facets are versatile components utilized across your entire website to interact with grid or third-party content. Their reusable nature prompted the introduction of styles, enabling global or local adjustments to facet appearances on the site.


A style created within WP Grid Builder enables you to layout one or multiple facets. Furthermore, a style can be designated as a global style in the WP Grid Builder settings panel. This functionality empowers you to establish a single style applicable to all facets across your entire website. Importantly, these styles will only be enqueued on pages where facets are present.

Settings Panel – Global Style

To accommodate instances where you may need to make local adjustments to facets or encounter specific cases on your website where facet styles must differ, styles can also be applied locally to each facet from blocks, shortcodes, or widgets. Integrated page builders also offer style options through dedicated elements, providing further flexibility in customizing facet appearances according to your needs.

Block – Local Style

Applying a local style to a facet grants you the ability to override both the default style from WP Grid Builder and the global style set in the Settings panel.