

This filter is called when getting templates in the admin interface (shortcodes/widgets/blocks) and to render templates on the frontend.

It allows to register your own query and markup without the grid and card system. You will thus be able to use facets with your own content.


classstringClass name of the layout wrapper holding posts
source_typestringObject type to query (post_type, term, user)
is_main_querybooleanTo replace loop in archive/index/search.php templates
query_argsarray|callableHolds query arguments
render_callbackcallableThe callback to be run to render content
noresults_callbackcallable The callback to be run to render no results message


You can register templates in your child theme or plugin as follows:

function prefix_register_template( $templates ) {

	// 'my_template' corresponds to the template ID.
	$templates['my_template'] = [
		'class'              => '',
		'source_type'        => 'post_type',
		'is_main_query'      => false,
		'query_args'         => [
			'post_type'      => 'post',
			'posts_per_page' => 10,
		'render_callback'    => 'prefix_render_callback',
		'noresults_callback' => 'prefix_noresults_callback',

	return $templates;

add_filter( 'wp_grid_builder/templates', 'prefix_register_template', 10, 1 );

prefix_render_callback and prefix_noresults_callback callbacks examples:


 * This callback is called for each post in the loop.
 * @param object $post Holds post, term or user object (depending of the source_type).
function prefix_render_callback( $post ) {
		<?php the_title( '<h3>', '</h3>' ); ?>
		<?php the_excerpt(); ?>

 * This callback is called when no results match selected facets.
function prefix_noresults_callback() {
	<p><?php esc_html_e( 'Sorry, no results match your search criteria.', 'text-domain' ); ?></p>

A template can also replace the main loop of the archive.phpindex.php or search.php files. In this case you need to set is_main_query to true.

If you set is_main_query to truequery_args parameter will be ignored because it’s handle by WordPress template.

To render a template in a page, you can use the function wpgb_render_template().
Or the shortcode [wpgb_template id="my_template"] or a Gutenberg block or a WordPress widget.